Monday, 23 February 2015


   Advanced computation and communication is a necessary tool for all areas of research. UiTM researchers strive to discover new applications requiring the use of advanced computing and communication to be used in the various research disciplines.

Related research areas:

Trusted Computing, Infrastructure & Security, Grid & Cluster Computing, Middleware & tools, Industrial Informatics, Bioinformatics, Laboratory Information Management System, Wireless Communications, Mobile Communications, Radio Frequency Applications, Warfare Media & Information, GIS & Remote Sensing, Enviromatic, Human Computer Interaction and Applied Statistics.


    Nanotechnology, Micro Electrical Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and cutting edge materials create a broad area encompassing many avenues to conduct research and development to implement the discoveries of new features or improvement on products and material processing to be used in the future. This area has the potential to revolutionise practices in all industries, i.e., polymer based metals, automotive, aeronautical and food technology. The use of skilled labour increases production cost, to counter this implementation of automated technology will reduce production cost. Some areas in which UiTM researchers are focused on are materials: battery materials, super capacitors, solar cells, etc. Robotic and automation technology focussing on digital control techniques. Signal processing is another area of focus which enables the creation of complete and automated behavioural identification systems.

Related research areas :

    Advanced Manufacturing, Nano Materials, Nanostructures, Superconductor, Fracture Mechanics, Advanced Polymers, Advanced Ceramics, Defence Materials, Flight Technology, Carbon Nanotube, Nanosensors and nanotracking, Nano Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Instrumentation, Automation and Robotic, Advanced Signal Processing, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Automated Guided Vehicle, Agro-Technology, Industrial Electronics, Tribology, Thermofluid and Engineering Mechanism.


Rapid global changes in socio-economic and material consumptions indirectly cause destruction to the environment. Side effects of fossil fuel consumption are pollution, acid rain and global warming. Global warming is caused by imbalance and excessive use of earth's natural resources. UiTM researchers focus on the development of green and energy efficient technologies that will sustain the earth resources. To ameliorate the above issues, UiTM researchers will continue to find better solutions to earth's environmental degradation through a synthesis of methods towards comprehensive sustainable development. This can be addressed through consolidation of various aspects including water resources, building materials, renewable energies, energy efficient technologies and the creation of greener and healthier natural and built environments through greener technologies and conservation and reuse of earth resources. Other research and sustainable activities that could sustain the earth for our future generations are areas towards sustainable wellbeing in our habitat, cities and forests, sustainable built environment practices and management as well as sustainable operation process and management.

Related research areas:

Global Warming, Climate Change, Coastal & Offshore Engineering, Water Resources, Disaster Mitigation and Prevention, Photovoltaic Applications, Fuels Cell Technology, Waste Management & Utilisations, Micro Energy Technology, Batteries & Supercapacitors, Power Electronics, Hybrid Energy Conversion, Smart Energy Converter, Electronic Transformer, Sustainable Buildings, Sustainable Construction, Green Cities, Green Policies and Governance, Sustainable Transport, Sustainable Township, Urban Wellbeing, Life Cycle Assessment, Zero Carbon Footprint, Environmental Pollution, Sustaining Biodiversity, Sustainable Agriculture, Sustainable Operations Management and Advanced Green Technology.

Directors of CoRe

Directors Of CoRe

Director of Green Technology Sustainable Development
Prof. Madya Dr. Hajah Norhati Ibrahim
T: 03-55448282
Director of Frontier Materials & Industry Application 
Prof. Madya Dr. Ab Malik Marwan Ali
Email :
Director of Advanced Computing & Communication
Prof. Madya Dr. Ismail Musirin
Email :
Director of Drug Discovery & Health
Profesor Dr. Chen Ai Hong
Email :
Director of Management Science
Prof. Madya Dr. Norzaidi Mohd Daud
Email :
Director of Humanities, Design & Creativity
Encik Muhamad Fairus Kamaruzaman
Email :
Director of Pharmaceutical & Life Sciences
Prof. Madya Dr. Kalavathy Ramasamy
Email :

Sunday, 22 February 2015

7 CoRe Areas

1) Green Technology Sustainable Development
2) Frontier Materials & Industry Application
3) Advanced Computing & Communication
4) Drug Discovery & Health
5) Management Science
6) Humanities, Design & Creativity
7) Pharmaceutical & Life Sciences


Researchers from UiTM have been conscientiously carrying out research in various disciplines. The enhanced emphasis on research over the last five years has enabled our university to press forward diligently and mature in the area of conducting research which has resulted in the discovery of several cutting edge innovations and inventions by academics from different areas of expertise and discipline. These new discoveries have provided fundamental and applied new knowledge and technological advancement in tandem with the country’s aspiration to propel Malaysia to be developed nation.
Communities of Research (CoRe) will assist researchers to team up with like minded academics and suggest to them avenues which would enable the researcher to pursue excellence in conducting research and innovation in addition to helping academics to foster inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary collaborations which would transform UiTM’s researchers to possess internationally acknowledged research capabilities.

Role and Significance of CoRe
To be incubators of future HiCoEs (National Centres of Excellence) and globally recognised CoEs
To strengthen the organization of research to complement post graduate academic programmes
To optimize utilization of research facilities and laboratories
To intensify research collaboration between the public and private sectors as well as international collaboration
To generate innovative and avant-garde discoveries and new knowledge